3D-Dig Stage Plan

This course introduces you to the concept of the stage plan in 3D-Dig. You will learn how to prepare a progressive stage plan for the excavation and dumping of the box cut. Also, you will make acquaintance with 3D-Dig capture functions to capture bitmap images and creating slideshows. At the end of the course, you will receive detailed information on how to export and import the data.

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3D-Dig Stage Plan

The purpose of this course is to help you make acquaintance with the concept of the stage plan in "3D-Dig". Working through the lessons of this course, you will:

  • Learn how to execute the basic preparations for further work with the box cut, including placement of the different types of equipment, and reviewing of necessary settings for excavations and dumps templates.
  • Receive the explanations of how to set up image capture for capturing images at different stages of the simulation.
  • See two different ways to achieve the initial goal of the stage plan through excavation and dumping of the box cut.
  • Learn how to deal with geology in the spoil.
  • Make acquaintance with the "3D-Dig" communication tools, and procedures of the material logs export.
  • Use the DXF and ETI formats for exporting and re-importing data.