Truck and Shovel Simulation

Simulate your earthmoving by truck and shovel

Full simulation of truck and shovel operations is conducted. Material is automatically excavated and dumped in accordance with a schedule. Each increment is simulated with a haul route connecting excavation and dump. This module adds Truck and Shovel simulation to the Auto Excavation and Dump Simulation module.

Optimize truck assignment

  • A network of roads

    • A network of roads (Main Haul roads and Access roads) can be linked to the excavations and dumps. Virtual roads can be used for some or all roads for more rapid estimation. Productivity is calculated using a realistic truck/shovel productivity model.
    • Once the model is calibrated, users can readily vary Truck fleet assignment to achieve optimal development goals. The simulation can also optimize truck assignment by auto-assigning trucks to each block to achieve a user-assigned percentage of maximum productivity.
  • Super-Sequence schedule

    • The super-sequence tree is made up of sub-sequences. To generate sub-sequences:
    • Users begin by defining block lines for each region to be excavated i. e. each pit.
    • Users then define the series of surfaces to which excavation takes place.
    • Initially a «Raw Sequence» is generated, temporarily excavating all blocks in order, for all passes and lifts.
    • Sub-sequences are then generated and combined into the super-sequence tree, using 3d-Dig’s Super-sequence Editor.
  • Easily optimize dumps

    • There is considerable flexibility to allow changes in the simulation set-up and key parameters, so that the simulation can be re-run, without having to set everything up again.
    • Sub-sequences can be edited to encompass different block ranges.
    • Changes to the super-sequence tree can easily be done using the super-sequence editor.
    • Excavators, Roads, Trucks, Dumps are assigned to sub-sequences.
    • Because of the way 3D-Dig dumps are simulated, changes can readily be made to the dumping.
    • This includes changing all the passes, lifts, final surfaces, footprints etc. for Staged Dumps.
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The system comes with comprehensive online manuals as well as extensive training material and resources.

Our experience

  • Over 25 years of experience

  • Over 100 partners all over the world

  • Quick technical support and bug report

These companies already use 3D-Dig

  • Anglo American
  • Batch Fire
  • Coronado
  • Glen Core
  • Rio Tinto
  • Adani
  • Golding
  • Downer
  • Iluka
  • Bhp Billiton
  • Peabody
  • Jellinbah Resources
  • Thiess
  • Bengalla
  • White Haven
  • Idemitsu

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